3811: Transportation - Students - Regular Education

3811: Transportation - Students - Regular Education holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:41

The District shall provide student transportation services as required by law and may, at its discretion, provide additional student transportation services that are not required by law. The District may charge for such additional transportation services.

Private vendors may be contracted to provide all or a portion of the District’s student transportation services.

All transportation services provided under this policy shall comply with state and federal law.

Date of Adoption
April 23, 2007
August 1, 2016
October 2, 2017

3811.1: Transportation - Students - Regular Education

3811.1: Transportation - Students - Regular Education holly Tue, 07/02/2019 - 11:44

I.    The District shall provide the following student transportation services to students at the elementary school level:

A.    Any elementary students who live more than two miles from their assigned schools shall be provided free transportation services to such schools. 

B.    The Board of Education may, in its sole discretion, approve additional free transportation services for students who reside within two miles of their assigned school, however, there shall be no bus stops located within a one-mile radius of the main entrance of such elementary school.  Students residing within such one-mile radius may, if they so choose, walk to a regularly scheduled bus stop (beyond one mile) to board and ride such bus.

C.    The location and spacing of bus stops (consistent with the foregoing) shall be determined by the superintendent (or designee).

D.    In areas where there is no District-provided transportation service, parents may, at their expense, seek to contract for such services directly with the District’s contracted transportation service provider (or any other transportation provider).

II.    The District shall provide the following student transportation services to students at the middle school level:

A.    The District shall arrange transportation services for all middle school students who live more than two miles from their assigned schools. There shall be a charge for such transportation. The charge for such services shall be determined annually by the District. The charge may (but need not be) sufficient to recover the full cost for such services.

B.    No transportation services shall be arranged by the District for students living within two miles of their assigned schools, however, the parents of such student may, at their expense, seek to contract for such services with the District’s contracted transportation service provider (or any other transportation provider).

C.    Any middle school student who lives in a subdivision that was reassigned to another middle school further from the subdivision than its original school shall be provided transportation services to his/her assigned school provided that such services were approved by the Board of Education at the time of such reassignment

III.    The District shall provide the following student transportation services to students at the high school level:

A.    The District shall provide transportation services free of charge to any student who lives more than four miles from his/her assigned school. However, the District may, at its sole discretion, elect to provide mileage reimbursement to any or all such qualifying students in lieu of transportation. The mileage reimbursement rate for such shall be as prescribed by state law.

B.    No transportation services shall be provided by the District for students living within four miles of their assigned high schools, however, the parents of such students may, at their expense, seek to contract for such services with the District’s contracted transportation service provider (or any other transportation provider).

IV.    Unless otherwise required by law, the District shall not provide transportation services to in-District transfer students (i.e., those students who, at their request, are permitted to attend a school other than the school to which they would have been assigned based upon the location of their residence).

V.    Parents who use private transportation service providers to transport their students to or from school, assume all risks and are responsible for all safety precautions associated therewith, including but not limited to instructing their students on safety and safety precautions. The District and school staff do not screen, select or approve such private transportation service providers, do not request identification from the drivers, and do not supervise the drivers or the pickups, the drop offs, or the transportation.


Date of Adoption
April 23, 2007
Date of Revision
May 2, 2011
May 1, 2023
October 2, 2017