1235.1: Conduct on District Property

1235.1: Conduct on District Property holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 13:54

I. Conduct of District Employees, Parents, and Visitors. The District will promote in all District schools, facilities, and activities, an environment which is safe, free of disruption, and predicated by mutual respect, civility, and orderly conduct among District employees, students, parents, and visitors. District employees will demonstrate professionalism when communicating with the public or other District employees. District employees, parents, and other visitors will avoid disruptive, volatile, hostile, threatening, or aggressive communications or actions.

A. Expected Level of Behavior.

1. District employees will treat parents, members of the public, and other District employees with courtesy and respect.

2. Parents and other visitors to District schools, facilities, and activities will treat students, District employees, other parents, and other visitors with courtesy and respect.

B. Unacceptable/Disruptive Behavior.

1. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to, behavior which interferes with or threatens to interfere with the operation of a classroom, a District employee's duties, the functions of a school facility, District activities, or substantially interferes with the educational process.

2. Using loud and/or offensive language, swearing, cursing, using profane language, or the display of anger.

3. Threatening to do bodily or physical harm to students, District employees or other visitors on District property whether or not the behavior constitutes or may constitute a criminal violation.

4. Damaging or destroying District property.

5. Any other behavior that disrupts the orderly operation of a school, a school classroom, any District facility or activity, or a District employee’s duties.

6. Refusing to follow District safety instructions or District policies or rules.

7. Defaming District employees.

8. Abusive, threatening, obscene, harassing or repetitive telephone calls, E-mails or voice mail messages.

9. Sexual harassment of District personnel, students, patrons, or vendors is strictly prohibited. Sexual harassment shall include, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

C. Recourse. Any employee, parent or other visitor who believes he/she was subject to unacceptable/disruptive behavior from a District employee, parent, or other visitor should bring such behavior to the attention of the immediate supervisor, building principal, or the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources.

II. Authority of School Personnel

A. Authority to Direct Persons to Leave District Property and to Limit Communications or Monitor Communications with District Employees.

1. Any individual who exhibits the following behaviors may be directed to leave District property by a principal, principal’s designee or any District level administrator:

a. Disrupts or threatens to disrupt school or District activities or operations;

b. Threatens to or attempts to do or does physical harm to students, District employees, or other visitors;

c. Threatens the health or safety of students, District employees, or other visitors;

d. Intentionally causes damage to a school, District property, or property of other visitors;

e. Uses loud or offensive language;

f. Defames District employees;

g. Who without authorization comes onto District property.

2. If the person refuses to leave the premises as directed, the administrator or other authorized personnel shall call 911 for law enforcement assistance.

3. If a visitor uses obscenities or speaks in a demanding, loud, insulting, and/or a demeaning manner, the District employee to whom the remarks are directed will follow these procedures:

a. Shall calmly and politely warn the speaker to communicate civilly.

b. If such conduct continues, the District employee to whom the remarks are directed may, after giving appropriate notice to the speaker, terminate the meeting, conference, or telephone conversation.

c. If the meeting or conference is on District property, any District employee may request that an administrator or other authorized personnel direct the speaker to promptly leave the premises.

d. If the person refuses to leave the premises as directed, the principal or designee or a District level administrator may call 911 for law enforcement assistance.

e. If the District employee is threatened with personal harm, the District employee may call 911 for law enforcement assistance.

B. Authority to Report or Terminate Phone or E-mail Communication.

1. If any District employee receives an E-mail or voice mail message that is abusive, threatening, obscene, harassing or repetitive, the District employee is not obligated to continue the telephone call or respond to the E-mail or return the telephone call.

2. The District employee should save the message and contact their supervisor. If the message threatens personal harm, the District employee may contact law enforcement.

Date of Adoption
July 1, 2002
Date of Revision
March 20, 2006
September 17, 2012
April 21, 2014
November 16, 2020
September 20, 2021