Resource Browser

Filename Description Updated
403(b) / 457 Salary Reduction Agreement Use this form to begin or change your contributions to your 403(b)/457(b) account. After you open an account with an approved investment provider in the Millard 403(b) or 457 plan, use the Salary Reduction Agreement forms to detail the amount to be deducted as well as the approved investment provider with whom you wish to participate.
403(b) 2023 OMNI Plan Summary How Can I Participate?
Prior to contributing you must open an account with an investment provider participating in the Plan, a list of which is available on this form. You may then complete a Salary Reduction Agreement (SRA) online at
403(b) Instructions It is necessary to contact Omni for all your 403b/457 needs. You may contact Omni by visiting their website at or by phone at 1.877.544.6664. Omni administers 403(b) accounts for Millard Public Schools employees.
403(b) Millard Public Schools - OMNI Available Funds Details for Millard Public Schools for 403(b) and 457 fund options.
403(b) Universal Availability Notice
OMNI 2023 Winter Newsletter